Rooted in a dream activated by science. Inspired by nature and stimulated by a rich culture.
The Team is an accomplice of time, conspirators with time; some are given fortune. Some are given Fame. Very few are given conviction. The faith that defies ancient mysteries.


Their pursuit is to defy time and preserve life. They are blessed by time but are already beyond. They find tranquility in their faith. They believe everything has a meaning and that everything has a place in this universe. There must be some source of vitality, some fabric connecting everything in the great room of life.
The Team dreamed of the day when we would unlock the secret of timeless beauty and make the future infinite. We would become relentless explorers of times, frontiers, stars, science, and philosophy aligned in harmony and created at the dawn of time. The indomitable will of the Team did threaten.


Shivani Joshi

Building an ecosystem from scratch, Shivani has a panache to grow business through brand-forward performance marketing. With a deep experience across all growth strategies, digital and offline media, brand activation, collaboration, and campaign marketing, Shivani understands brand drivers and develops business strategies pulsing customer needs and market trends. A luxury expert with a history of leading and delivering aggressive and efficient marketing, Shivani brings to the team the framework to imagine and create.

Building brands from scratch

Creating a brand as a culture has been the foremost priority; for it to breathe and have a life of its own that people aspire to own a part of.

Life projects

Designing an aura for never-done before initiative drives her. The brand’s 360 growth is what inspires her to create a culture, internally to reap and externally to awe.


Worked at
LA POLO International- Head Communications & Brand Strategy
Conceiving the brand from its start, crafting the course of action, branding, building the team over the years, structure for planning, operations and execution for all verticals of the brand.


Brand crafting, blueprint creation, Growth plan, Content planning, Concept notes & Campaign, Editorials & photoshoots, Visualizing concepts & implementing for on-field events, PR & marketing


Innovative, Creative, Communicative & active listener, Resilient, Resourceful, Quick Adapter, Organised, Team Management

EDUCATION (Hons.) from Delhi University
Luxury brand management certification from HEC Paris

Most proud of

Constituting the unthinkable
Spearheaded the construction of first of its kind initiative to popularise the luxury heritage sport of India through LA POLO.


Bringing to life the first ever Polo award show
Directed the show from conceptualisation, nomination criteria branding, brand collaborations, content curation, digital & physical collaterals and on-ground execution & PR.

Struggles I learnt from

Slow acceptance of novel ideas
To conceive new things, people generally take time to test, accept and join. Situations like these, give more persistence and grit to imagine and create the unimaginable.


On-field knowledge
Coming from an unrelated background, understanding the structure of businesses came from trial and error.