Rooted in a dream activated by science. Inspired by nature and stimulated by a rich culture.
The Team is an accomplice of time, conspirators with time; some are given fortune. Some are given Fame. Very few are given conviction. The faith that defies ancient mysteries.


Their pursuit is to defy time and preserve life. They are blessed by time but are already beyond. They find tranquility in their faith. They believe everything has a meaning and that everything has a place in this universe. There must be some source of vitality, some fabric connecting everything in the great room of life.
The Team dreamed of the day when we would unlock the secret of timeless beauty and make the future infinite. We would become relentless explorers of times, frontiers, stars, science, and philosophy aligned in harmony and created at the dawn of time. The indomitable will of the Team did threaten.


Dr Balamuralidhara V

Widely published with an extensive pharmaceutical experience spanning 16 years, Dr. Balamuralidhara V. is a subject matter expert in providing strategic guidance for accessing patentability, portfolio management and regulatory leadership. With Ph.D, PG Diploma in IPRL and M. Pharma, Dr. Bala brings to the team, necessitated knowledge and development skills for charting the pathway for creating procedures, treatments and its novelties.

It takes a great mind to unlock great minds

For 18 years, Dr. Bala has been the architect of great minds. He has shaped lives and destinies through his life of research and academics. He has inspired many students through his scientific thinking. Their ideas have been translated into scientific documents in the fields of the drug, cosmetics, and regulatory science.

Life projects

Posing a challenge to young minds and generations.

JSSAHER Mysuru- Associate professor
Chairman of D Pharm Program Committee,
Coordinating Diploma in Medical Device and Patent Cell
Member – BOS in Pharmacy Practice of JSSAHER, Mysuru
Member – Hong Kong Chemical, Biological& Environmental Engineering Society (HKCBEES).
Coordinator South Zone, Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India, Central.



Researcher, Academician, Writer


Team Member, Team leader, Nurturer, Pioneer, Facilitator, Free spirited, Strategist, New Thinker

Education 2


Ph.D from JSS AHER, Mysuru
M. Pharma & B. Pahrma from Rajiv Gandhi
University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
PG Dip in IPRL from NLSIU
(National Law School of Indian University) Bangalore

Most proud of

A perspective beyond the ordinary.
I was the first person at our university to start writing articles in regulatory science.
Now I have over 190 publications and four patents filed as co-inventor.
I have received several awards, honors and accolades. I’m only humbled by this and it keeps driving me to do more.

Struggles I learnt from

Late bloomers bloom with color.
When I was a student, I was unable to accept my faults and attempted to justify my failure. As a result of my fleeing tendency, I wasted significant years of my life.
I realised one day that if I don’t face the truth, I’m not going to win, so I started accepting my failures and weaknesses and working on them. I didn’t get any immediate results, but I never stopped working. Today I have a position and recognition because I began to accept my faults and failings
